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White Martins units: Caxias, Barra da Tijuca and Nova América
Adequacy of the electrical installations to the Standard of Security in Electrical Installations and creation of specific technical report.

TV Zimbo - Angola
Structure and cabling project Cat. 6 and Cat. 6A backbone for the retrofit of the 4-story building with more than 600 horizontal cabling points.
Odebrechet – Consórcio PRA1
Design and installation of infrastructure and structured cabling Cat. 6 in the construction site at UTC's shipyard.

Milano Alimentos - Frescatto
Design and monitoring of infrastructure project, warehouse lighting, cold rooms, administrative areas and external patios. Electrical installations of 3MW, cabling system Cat. 6 and optical backbone for the construction project of industrial plant with 35,000m².

Cromos Tintas Gráficas
Consultancy on the adequacy of NR 10 (Safety Standard in Electrical Installations), training of employees, creation of medical records of NR 10 and monitoring of the supervision of the Ministry of Labor to the industrial plant.

Shopping dá Gávea
Development of electrical installations project for the public and service areas in the expansion of the mall.

Sumatex Produtos Quimicos S.A.
Cosnultoria, projects, selection and training of employees, coordination and supervision of execution of works of adaptation to NR 10 (Safety Standard in Electrical Installations) and technical responsible for the facilities.

XP Investimentos - Rio de Janeiro
Design and execution of structured network installation with 2,000 Cat. 6 network points to meet users.

XP Investimentos - Matriz - São Paulo
Design and execution of the structured network installation with 2,800 network points Cat. 6 to meet the users and special design of the CPD.

Golden Cross
Conceptual and executive design of dual-feed power plant originated from two UPSs to serve all of the array's Data Center rack.

Golden Cross
Conceptual design and follow-up of the installation of a second redundant generator and in a parallel to the first one to guarantee continuous operation in the event of a lack of concessionaire.

TV Globo
Design and follow-up of infrastructure work and structured cabling Cat. 6 and optical backbone for the retrofit work of the building with 6 floors.

TV Globo
Design and follow-up of infrastructure work and structured cabling Cat. 6 and optical backbone for the construction work of building with 3 floors.

CCI Offshore - Ipojuca PE
Design and execution of infrastructure infrastructure and structured network Cat. 6 with more than 1,000 points and Fiber Optic backbone with more than 5Km in the implantation of the construction site (yard) in the port of SUAPE

Quip S.A.
Retrofit in the three floors of the matrix and deployment of another 4 floors in two other office sites with project and execution of infrastructure, network and structured network Cat. 6 to serve more than 800 employees with more than 1,000 network points.

TV Globo - Brasilia
Project of extensions and As-built of the entire structured network of administrative buildings and issuing.

Quip S.A. - Rio Grande - RS
Design and installation of infrastructure and structured network Cat. 6 with more than 300 points in the implantation of the construction site (yard) where the P-53 was built.

Eletronuclear - Nuclear plant Angra 1 and 2
Certification of the access device for data to the area of ??radioactive agents for the traffic of information up to 10Mbps used the protocol TCP / IP.

Church Nossa Senhora do Carmo da Antiga Sé
In the revitalization and restoration project, we implemented the electrical installations throughout the IPHAN building, replacing 100% of the wiring, installing the lighting system without affecting the original appearance of the decoration.

Museum Visconde de Araruama - Campos dos Goytacases
Elaboration of the technical and decorative lighting project to attend the first Museum of Campos dos Goytacases.

Church de Nossa Senhora das Dores
Developed the project and performed the installation of decorative lighting and remote control system with scenes pre programmed for Church.

XP Investimentos - Matrix – Datacenter
Design and execution of adequacy and improvements of the company's Datacenter.

Cinemas Kinoplex
Installation of infrastructure and structured cabling Cat. 6A in the projection rooms for the deployment of the digitization of all the cinemas of the network in Rio de Janeiro.

Building condominium Mirante Cruzeiro do Sul
Adequacy of electrical installations as prescribed in the Self-Inspection report.

São Carlos Empreendimentos Imobiliários
Building condominium Passeio
Installation of 30 meters of electric power with indirect measurement.

Palace Rio Negro – Petrópolis
Design of electrical installations for refurbishment of the building listed by IPHAN (Institute of National Historic and Artistic Heritage).

Toniolo Busnello
Creation of the NR10 chart in the construction work of the New Joa Tunnel and development of electrical projects for the construction site.

Mazars Domínio
Development of electrical design and structured network Cat. 6 for the company's new headquarters located on two floors with more than 2,300 m².

Escola Nacional de Seguros - Funenseg
Mapping, survey and storage of data circuits and connections in the headquarters datacenter.

Terra Investimentos - São Paulo - SP
Design and execution of the structured network installation with 450 Cat 6 network points, design and execution of electrical installations with an installed power of approximately 100 KVA to serve users 120 users.

BR Advisors - Rio de Janeiro
Design and execution of the structured network installation Cat. 6, design and execution of electrical installations for the new headquarters of the company in Rio de Janeiro.

BR Advisors - São Paulo
Design and execution of the structured network installation Cat. 5e, for the new headquarters of the company in São Paulo.

Órama Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A
Design and execution of Cat. 6 structured cabling installation and electrical installations for the company's new headquarters in Gávea.

Toro Investimentos - Rio de Janeiro
Design and execution of the structured network installation Cat. 6, design and execution of electrical installations for the new headquarters of the company in Rio de Janeiro.

VLT Rio - Rio de Janeiro
Design of the Cat. 6 structured network installation and optical backbones for the Integrated Center for Operation and Maintenance of the Light Rail Vehicle of Rio de Janeiro and administrative building.

Airport do Galeão - Rio de Janeiro
Project development for Cat. 6 structured network installation and optical backbones for the new operational video camera system on the airport landing and runway.

Airport do Galeão - Rio de Janeiro
Elaboration of a fiber optic installation project using GPON for the multilateration system in the landing and runway of the airport.

BRT - NIterói
Project elaboration of the Cat. 6 structured network installation for the BRT transoceanica stations in Niterói.

Parque Madureira – Dimensoional Engenharia
Measurement and report of the System of Protection against Atmospheric Discharges.

Sulamérica – Rio de Janeiro
Preventive Maintenance of the Protection System against Atmospheric Disposal of the building in Estácio.

Corrective maintenance in the building's Atmospheric Disposal Protection System.

Building condominium Ferreira Pontes
Design of the System of Protection against Atmospheric Descragas of the building.

Building condominium Dois Irmãos
Design of the Grounding and Equipotentiation System.

Building condominium Mirante Cruzeiro do Sul
Pproject of the Grounding System and equipotentialisation and modernization of the Low Voltage General Frame of the building.

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